Sunday, December 27, 2009

New to the Blog World

I have a friend that blogs and have been following hers for several months. I thought I would give it a try. It is a great way for my family back in Texas to keep up to date with what is going on in our lives in Oklahoma. Thanks to Kristi for getting me all set-up. I hope I can operate this correctly.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and Best Wishes in the New Year!!!


  1. Yay!!! I'm so excited you started this!!

  2. Cool! Hope you don't mind if we follow along! I love blogs!

  3. I think Abbey might get a kick out of seeing her teacher on the computer too! :)

  4. are more than welcome to follow along. Do you have another blog other than your photography blog? I added your photography blog to my list of following.

  5. Hey Girl! I saw you on Paperdolls blog... Glad you are blogging! I LOVE it! I go through phases when I blog a lot. And other "dry" spells. But more than anything it's great to read back and remember the cute things the kids say and do. And great to document this trek of mommyhood!
    check out mine if you want....

    Cari Aberle
